20091229 1730hrs
WOD091227: 5km Row
As rx'd in 21:32
400m runs and heavy thrusters
20091228 1730hrs
WOD091219: 5rds for time of 15 Thrusters (60kg) and 400m runs
Started the rounds with the runs (most WODs are run first), otherwise as rx'd with runs in -12C snow/ice
28:47 = 4:23 + 6:19 + 6:34 + 5:52 + 5:37
That's some WOD! Did thrusters 5reps x 3, except the last round at 5-4-3-3
WOD091219: 5rds for time of 15 Thrusters (60kg) and 400m runs
Started the rounds with the runs (most WODs are run first), otherwise as rx'd with runs in -12C snow/ice
28:47 = 4:23 + 6:19 + 6:34 + 5:52 + 5:37
That's some WOD! Did thrusters 5reps x 3, except the last round at 5-4-3-3
20091225 1600hrs
WOD091213: AMRAP 20mins of Row 500m, 25 TGU (60# DB)
Used 24kg KB (55 lbs), otherwise as rx'd
1 rd, 500m + 5 TGU
WOD091213: AMRAP 20mins of Row 500m, 25 TGU (60# DB)
Used 24kg KB (55 lbs), otherwise as rx'd
1 rd, 500m + 5 TGU
Birthday Lumberjack 20
It's my birthday!
20091217 1700hrs
WOD091205: "Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts (125kg), Run 400m
20 KB swings (32kg), Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (52.5kg), Run 400m
20 Burpees, Run 400m
20 Push Ups, Run 400m
20 Box jumps (20"), Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (2 x 40lbs), Run 400m
Lost some time while changing weight (removing pairs of 20, 10, 5 and 2.5kg plates, then removing the 15kg bumpers to make a 'box'.
Note some subs: Push Ups for PUs, 40#ers for 45#ers, and only 20" of bumper plates
20091217 1700hrs
WOD091205: "Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts (125kg), Run 400m
20 KB swings (32kg), Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (52.5kg), Run 400m
20 Burpees, Run 400m
20 Push Ups, Run 400m
20 Box jumps (20"), Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (2 x 40lbs), Run 400m
Lost some time while changing weight (removing pairs of 20, 10, 5 and 2.5kg plates, then removing the 15kg bumpers to make a 'box'.
Note some subs: Push Ups for PUs, 40#ers for 45#ers, and only 20" of bumper plates
Split Jerks
20091215 0300hrs
WOD091207: Split Jerks 1 x 7
100kg press out
97.5kg press out
97.5kg PR
WOD091207: Split Jerks 1 x 7
100kg press out
97.5kg press out
97.5kg PR
3 rds of 800m runs and 21 Power Cleans
20091213 0200hrs
WOD091203: 3 rds for time of 800m runs and 21 Power Cleans (70kg)
As rx'd in 22:19
The treadmill I was using is garbage. Starts out at 6.5 when I wanted 8.0, then whized up to 10 when I was already sucking wind. I timed about 3:30 for the runs as the 'distance' feature on the 20year old treadmill sucked too. NEVER AGAIN!
WOD091203: 3 rds for time of 800m runs and 21 Power Cleans (70kg)
As rx'd in 22:19
The treadmill I was using is garbage. Starts out at 6.5 when I wanted 8.0, then whized up to 10 when I was already sucking wind. I timed about 3:30 for the runs as the 'distance' feature on the 20year old treadmill sucked too. NEVER AGAIN!
Just did CFWU 15 x 3 on the 29th. Coming off a cold and wanted to take it easy.
20091130 2000hrs
Did AMRAP 10 mins of 10 Burpees and 10 OHS (20kg bar)
Got 6 rds even with 00:15 to go
20091130 2000hrs
Did AMRAP 10 mins of 10 Burpees and 10 OHS (20kg bar)
Got 6 rds even with 00:15 to go
20091116 2130hrs
WOD091113: 'Eva': 5rds of 800m, 30 CFKB Swing (32kg) and 30 PUs
Did 3 rds of 800m, 30 CFKB Swing (32kg and 20 PUs.
WOD091113: 'Eva': 5rds of 800m, 30 CFKB Swing (32kg) and 30 PUs
Did 3 rds of 800m, 30 CFKB Swing (32kg and 20 PUs.
20091114 1800hrs
WOD091112: Clean and Jerk 1 x 7
95kg (pressed)
97.5kg (slight press)
100kg PR
WOD091112: Clean and Jerk 1 x 7
95kg (pressed)
97.5kg (slight press)
100kg PR
4 x 800m run
20091110 2200hrs
WOD091101: 4 rds of Run 800m, each for time
There's about 10m of change in one 400m lap of my course,
3:34, 4:00, 4:08 and 4:11
WOD091101: 4 rds of Run 800m, each for time
There's about 10m of change in one 400m lap of my course,
3:34, 4:00, 4:08 and 4:11
FS 5x5
20091107 1800hrs
WOD091028: BS 5x5
Sub'd FS as no rack at WO location.
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
85kg x 5
90kg x 5
Felt good.
WOD091028: BS 5x5
Sub'd FS as no rack at WO location.
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
85kg x 5
90kg x 5
Felt good.
20091101: Nate
20091101 1900hrs
WOD091027: "Nate": AMRAP 20mins of 2 MUs, 4 HSPUs and 8 CFKB-swing (32kg)
HSPUs with knees on high-bench, otherwise as rx'd
8 rds even
WOD091027: "Nate": AMRAP 20mins of 2 MUs, 4 HSPUs and 8 CFKB-swing (32kg)
HSPUs with knees on high-bench, otherwise as rx'd
8 rds even
20091030: Tyler
20091030 2100hrs
WOD091017: 'Tyler': 5rds for time of 7 MUs and 21 SDLHP (95#)
Did 5 rds of 4 MUs and 21 SDLHP (40kg)
Only did 1 MU (and the SDLHPs) in last round (and like 4 or 5 attempts)
WOD091017: 'Tyler': 5rds for time of 7 MUs and 21 SDLHP (95#)
Did 5 rds of 4 MUs and 21 SDLHP (40kg)
Only did 1 MU (and the SDLHPs) in last round (and like 4 or 5 attempts)
Run (sub Row) and HB-ext (Sub good mornings)
20091029 1000hrs
WOD091016: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 HB-ext (sub 15kg BB good mornings) with 400m runs (sub 500m rows on C2) for time
20 mins even
WOD091016: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 HB-ext (sub 15kg BB good mornings) with 400m runs (sub 500m rows on C2) for time
20 mins even
20091025: Crossfit Total
20091025 1300hrs BW = 218lbs
WOD091013: "CrossFit Total"
Squat 345lbs
press 165lbs
Deadlift 395lbs
Total 905
WOD091013: "CrossFit Total"
Squat 345lbs
press 165lbs
Deadlift 395lbs
Total 905
Max Thruster
20091019 0400hrs
WOD091007: Thruster 1 x 7 (Power Clean to start)
95kg PR
97.5kg Fail (f'd up the PC, then on the second try I couldn't get it all the way up)
WOD091007: Thruster 1 x 7 (Power Clean to start)
95kg PR
97.5kg Fail (f'd up the PC, then on the second try I couldn't get it all the way up)
Opps...this was a draft for a few days...
WOD091009: 5km run
as rx'd 26:17...had to pull Dawson the 2nd half!
WOD091005: 30 Muscle-ups for time
Did 20 MUs in 23:30. Took 3 tries at the last one.
First time with this many MUs.
WOD091008: AMRAP 20mins of Row 250 m, 21 SDLHP (95#), 15 PUs
Completed 5 rounds of 250m row, 21 SDLHP (32kg KB) and 15 Burpees
WOD091009: 5km run
as rx'd 26:17...had to pull Dawson the 2nd half!
WOD091005: 30 Muscle-ups for time
Did 20 MUs in 23:30. Took 3 tries at the last one.
First time with this many MUs.
WOD091008: AMRAP 20mins of Row 250 m, 21 SDLHP (95#), 15 PUs
Completed 5 rounds of 250m row, 21 SDLHP (32kg KB) and 15 Burpees
Run - Pistols - Sit Ups - Run
20091011 1400hrs
WOD091003: For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters
As Rx'd, except the pistols. 16kg for 7 of the first set, then no extra weight.
19:58. 4mins for the 1st 1/2mile, 4:30 for the 2nd
WOD091003: For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters
As Rx'd, except the pistols. 16kg for 7 of the first set, then no extra weight.
19:58. 4mins for the 1st 1/2mile, 4:30 for the 2nd
20091007 0115hrs
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents
All as rx'd except sub'd tuck-jumps for DUs, reg-dips for ring dips, did 25 HSC @ 30#x2, supermen for BEs and did 15 Towel pull-ups and 30 jumping PUs for the rope climbs.
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents
All as rx'd except sub'd tuck-jumps for DUs, reg-dips for ring dips, did 25 HSC @ 30#x2, supermen for BEs and did 15 Towel pull-ups and 30 jumping PUs for the rope climbs.
Snatches and Helen
20091005 0400hrs
WOD090929: Snatch 1 x 7 (in kg)
40, 50, 60, 70, 70, 75(F), 72.5(PR)
slight press-out noted
20091006 0300hrs
WOD090930: "Helen": Three rounds for time of 400m run, 21 CFKB Swing (24kg) and 12 PUs
10:14(PR) = 3:16 + 3:35 + 3:22
WOD090929: Snatch 1 x 7 (in kg)
40, 50, 60, 70, 70, 75(F), 72.5(PR)
slight press-out noted
20091006 0300hrs
WOD090930: "Helen": Three rounds for time of 400m run, 21 CFKB Swing (24kg) and 12 PUs
10:14(PR) = 3:16 + 3:35 + 3:22
20091003: Thruster / HPC / SDLHP
20091003 0500hrs
WOD090927: AMRAP 20 mins of
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Powercleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull
As Rx'd with 40kg
9rds + 5 Thrusters + 1 HPC
WOD090927: AMRAP 20 mins of
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Powercleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull
As Rx'd with 40kg
9rds + 5 Thrusters + 1 HPC
20090930 2230hrs
WOD090926: "Angie"
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Sub'd Kettlebell swings (16kg) for the Pull-ups, otherwise as rx'd
WOD090926: "Angie"
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Sub'd Kettlebell swings (16kg) for the Pull-ups, otherwise as rx'd
20090929 2020hrs
WOD090925: For time:
135 lb Squat clean, 10 reps
50 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 8 reps
40 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 6 reps
30 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 4 reps
20 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 2 reps
10 GHD Sit-ups
Did regular sit-ups, otherwise as rx'd in 11:27
WOD090925: For time:
135 lb Squat clean, 10 reps
50 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 8 reps
40 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 6 reps
30 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 4 reps
20 GHD Sit-ups
135 lb Squat clean, 2 reps
10 GHD Sit-ups
Did regular sit-ups, otherwise as rx'd in 11:27
20090927 0200hrs
Did a quick WOD:
AMRAP in 20mins of:
10 Inverted Burpees (standing to hand-stand to standing to roll on back to standing is one rep)
10 Burpees
10 CFKB swing (24kg)
6 rounds total + 3 Inverted Burpees
Did a quick WOD:
AMRAP in 20mins of:
10 Inverted Burpees (standing to hand-stand to standing to roll on back to standing is one rep)
10 Burpees
10 CFKB swing (24kg)
6 rounds total + 3 Inverted Burpees
20090922: "
20090922 0400hrs
WOD090917: "Daniel":
For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups
Did 25 PUs, 400m run, 21 thruster (40# x 2 DBs), 800m, 21 thruster, 400m and 25 PUs.
WOD090917: "Daniel":
For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups
Did 25 PUs, 400m run, 21 thruster (40# x 2 DBs), 800m, 21 thruster, 400m and 25 PUs.
20090920: "Annie"
20090920 0400hrs
WOD090914: "Annie": 50-40-30-20-10 of Double-unders and Sit-ups
Sub'd Tuck-Jumps, SUs anchored with towel/blanket-abmat
10:49 = 3:27 + 3:16 + 2:18 + 1:19 + 0:27
Wasn't sure how to pace myself, could have shaved another minute off I think
WOD090914: "Annie": 50-40-30-20-10 of Double-unders and Sit-ups
Sub'd Tuck-Jumps, SUs anchored with towel/blanket-abmat
10:49 = 3:27 + 3:16 + 2:18 + 1:19 + 0:27
Wasn't sure how to pace myself, could have shaved another minute off I think
20090919: "Diane"
20090919 0430hrs
WOD090913: "Diane": 21-15-9 reps of DL (100kg) and HSPU
HSPU with knees on 4ft wall, otherwise as rx'd
WOD090913: "Diane": 21-15-9 reps of DL (100kg) and HSPU
HSPU with knees on 4ft wall, otherwise as rx'd
20090916: 400m runs and burpees
20090916 0400hrs
WOD090906: 6 rounds for time of 400m runs, 25 Burpees
As Rx'd, 28:50 = 4:06 + 4:46 + 5:05 + 5:14 + 5:05 + 4:32
Happy to get under 30mins
WOD090906: 6 rounds for time of 400m runs, 25 Burpees
As Rx'd, 28:50 = 4:06 + 4:46 + 5:05 + 5:14 + 5:05 + 4:32
Happy to get under 30mins
20090915: 'Barbara'
20090915 0230hrs
WOD090911: "Barbara": Rx is Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round
Did 3 rounds: 7:33, 7:46, 7:38
WOD090911: "Barbara": Rx is Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round
Did 3 rounds: 7:33, 7:46, 7:38
20090911 1530hrs
Four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
30 pound Weighted pull-ups, 20 reps
Lunges used 2 x 30# for the first round, then used only 1 DB. Strict PUs for first round then kipped, otherwise as rx'd.
32:26 = 6:59 + 7:56 + 9:50 + 7:39
Four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
30 pound Weighted pull-ups, 20 reps
Lunges used 2 x 30# for the first round, then used only 1 DB. Strict PUs for first round then kipped, otherwise as rx'd.
32:26 = 6:59 + 7:56 + 9:50 + 7:39
20090907: 'Elizabeth'
20090907 0330hrs
CFWU x 2
WOD090902: "Elizabeth": 21-15-9 of Cleans (135#) and Ring Dips
Did 55kg cleans and regular dips
12:51 = 5:41 + 5:02 + 2:08
CFWU x 2
WOD090902: "Elizabeth": 21-15-9 of Cleans (135#) and Ring Dips
Did 55kg cleans and regular dips
12:51 = 5:41 + 5:02 + 2:08
20090906: Run 5 km
20090906 0330hrs
WOD090903: Run 5km
as rx'd, TM 1%, 30mins
holy crap there should be a fan in that tiny room, SO HOT!
Started out too fast and hit the wall
WOD090903: Run 5km
as rx'd, TM 1%, 30mins
holy crap there should be a fan in that tiny room, SO HOT!
Started out too fast and hit the wall
WOD090901: For time Row 1000 meters, 21 Thrusters (40kg), 21 Pull-ups
Row 750 meters, 15 Thruster, 15 Pull-ups
Row 500 meters, 9 Thruster, 9 Pull-ups
Sub rows with 1 mile run, 800 meter run and a 400 meter run.
As rx'd (run version) 30:25
WOD090901: For time Row 1000 meters, 21 Thrusters (40kg), 21 Pull-ups
Row 750 meters, 15 Thruster, 15 Pull-ups
Row 500 meters, 9 Thruster, 9 Pull-ups
Sub rows with 1 mile run, 800 meter run and a 400 meter run.
As rx'd (run version) 30:25
20090830: 'Karen'
20090830 2230hrs
WOD090820: 'Karen': 150 Wall Ball Shot, for time
Sub 150 Thrusters with 2 x 20 lbs DB
WOD090820: 'Karen': 150 Wall Ball Shot, for time
Sub 150 Thrusters with 2 x 20 lbs DB
20090825: "Mary
20090825 0400hrs
WOD090824: "Mary": AMRAP 20mins of 5 HSPU, 10 One legged squats and 15 Pull-ups
Did HSPUs with knees on support, and pistols with 'rope' for balance for last half or so
6 rounds + 5HSPU, 10Pistols and 7 PUs
First time with Mary. Would have been nice to be able to kip, but the 2x4 archway doesn't realy allow it.
WOD090824: "Mary": AMRAP 20mins of 5 HSPU, 10 One legged squats and 15 Pull-ups
Did HSPUs with knees on support, and pistols with 'rope' for balance for last half or so
6 rounds + 5HSPU, 10Pistols and 7 PUs
First time with Mary. Would have been nice to be able to kip, but the 2x4 archway doesn't realy allow it.
20090824 0400hrs
Double-under for 2 minutes
Sit-up for 2 minutes
Double-under for 90 seconds
Sit-up for 90 seconds
Double-under for 1-minute
Sit-up for 1-minute
Double-under for 30 seconds
Sit-up for 30 seconds
Subbed tuck-jumps for DUs
TJs = 95, 60, 52 and 36 (total 243)
SUs = 45, 30, 22 and 12 (total 109)
Double-under for 2 minutes
Sit-up for 2 minutes
Double-under for 90 seconds
Sit-up for 90 seconds
Double-under for 1-minute
Sit-up for 1-minute
Double-under for 30 seconds
Sit-up for 30 seconds
Subbed tuck-jumps for DUs
TJs = 95, 60, 52 and 36 (total 243)
SUs = 45, 30, 22 and 12 (total 109)
20090822: "Ryan"
20090822 0500hrs
WOD090816: "Ryan": Five rounds for time of 7 Muscle-ups, 21 Burpees
Modified to 4 rds of 14 PU, 14 Dips and 21 burpees, partitioned as 2-2 PU-Dips.
Took a couple days off and filled a ditch with soil and did the flooring in the living room!
WOD090816: "Ryan": Five rounds for time of 7 Muscle-ups, 21 Burpees
Modified to 4 rds of 14 PU, 14 Dips and 21 burpees, partitioned as 2-2 PU-Dips.
Took a couple days off and filled a ditch with soil and did the flooring in the living room!
20090816: 4 x 800m runs
20090816 1930hrs
WOD090810: 4 x 800m runs, rest as needed
3:24, 3:44, 3:36, 3:38
Dragged a dog for the first 2 runs, run 3 started timing a few seconds late
WOD090810: 4 x 800m runs, rest as needed
3:24, 3:44, 3:36, 3:38
Dragged a dog for the first 2 runs, run 3 started timing a few seconds late
20090815: "Tabata Something Else"
20090815 1430hrs
WOD090809: "Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Pull Ups: 8, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Push Ups: 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 7
Sit Ups: 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8
Squats: 14, 14, 13, 13, 11, 13, 13, 15
39 + 59 + 72 + 106 = 276
WOD090809: "Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Pull Ups: 8, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Push Ups: 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 7
Sit Ups: 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8
Squats: 14, 14, 13, 13, 11, 13, 13, 15
39 + 59 + 72 + 106 = 276
20090813: DL 5 x 5
20090813 1400hrs
WOD090808: DL 5 x 5
WU with 5 x 135lbs, 3 x 227.5lbs
5 x 317.5
5 x 327.5
5 x 337.5
5 x 347.5
5 x 317.5
WOD090808: DL 5 x 5
WU with 5 x 135lbs, 3 x 227.5lbs
5 x 317.5
5 x 327.5
5 x 337.5
5 x 347.5
5 x 317.5
20090811: 'J T'
20090811 0430hrs
WOD090802: "J.T.": 21-15-9 of Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups
Did HSPUs with knees on table, regular dips (1:1) and standard Push-ups
13:45 = 5:31 + 5:21 + 2:53
WOD090802: "J.T.": 21-15-9 of Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups
Did HSPUs with knees on table, regular dips (1:1) and standard Push-ups
13:45 = 5:31 + 5:21 + 2:53
20090809: Fight Gone Bad
20090809 0330hrs
WOD090804: Fight Gone Bad: used 32kg KB for SDLHP and PP, sub burpees for row
WB 25, 20, 20
SDLHP 23, 20, 20
BJ 18, 19, 20
PP 15, 15, 15
Burpees 12, 11, 11
Total = 264
BW of 94kg
WOD090804: Fight Gone Bad: used 32kg KB for SDLHP and PP, sub burpees for row
WB 25, 20, 20
SDLHP 23, 20, 20
BJ 18, 19, 20
PP 15, 15, 15
Burpees 12, 11, 11
Total = 264
BW of 94kg
20090806: Row/burpee/run WOD
20090806: WOD090805: Three rounds for time of Row 500m, 21 Burpees and run 400m
t = 19:46 = 6:10 + 6:48 + 6:48
t = 19:46 = 6:10 + 6:48 + 6:48
20090726: 'DT'
20090726 0900hrs
WOD090723: 'DT': 5rds for time of 12 DL, 9 HPC and 6 PJ (70kg)
As rx'd in 26:34 = 3:41 + 6:51 + 5:56 + 3:48 + 6:16
I think I could have paced a little better.
WOD090723: 'DT': 5rds for time of 12 DL, 9 HPC and 6 PJ (70kg)
As rx'd in 26:34 = 3:41 + 6:51 + 5:56 + 3:48 + 6:16
I think I could have paced a little better.
20090724: 5km Run
20090724 1200hrs
WOD090720: 5km Run
t = 26:something (15 I think)
Pressed and held reset instead of save on my watch.
WOD090720: 5km Run
t = 26:something (15 I think)
Pressed and held reset instead of save on my watch.
20090721: 'Filthy Fifty'
20090722 0430hrs
WOD090719: 'Filthy Fifty':
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Sub'd supermen for back extensions and tuck-jumps for double unders. Used 16kg 'bell for push-press and a 20" chair for the BJs.
WOD090719: 'Filthy Fifty':
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Sub'd supermen for back extensions and tuck-jumps for double unders. Used 16kg 'bell for push-press and a 20" chair for the BJs.
Update 20090625-20090719
Playing catch up on quite a bit here:
20090625: RoP 'Light': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2), Snatch 16kg 116/9min 'easy'
20090627: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 120/4min 'medium'
20090705: RoP 'Heavy': C&P 16kg 4x(1,2,3,4,5)+1x(1,2,3,4), Swing 390/10min 'heavy
20090708: RoP 'Easy': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3), Snatch 16kg 60/5min 'easy'
20090711: RoP 'Variety': all with 24kg: 5x1 TGU alternating 5x5 clean, then Swing 3x10(L/R) + 3x(2HighPull+1Snatch)
20090713: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 166/5min 'medium'
20090714: RoP 'Variety': with 24kg 5x(5(L/R) Clean/FrontSquat)
Was getting a little tired of kettlebells (for now), so back drinking the Kool-Aid (CROSSFIT BABY)
20090715: WOD090715: 'Nancy':5 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 15 x OHS (rx is 95#)
modified to 10 OHS with 40kg: t=14:06
20090717: WOD090716 was 1 x 7 HPC, did a mix of Cleans and Power cleans:
100kg (PC), 100kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 105kg (PC), 107.5kg (PC), 110kg Fail!
20090625: RoP 'Light': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2), Snatch 16kg 116/9min 'easy'
20090627: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 120/4min 'medium'
20090705: RoP 'Heavy': C&P 16kg 4x(1,2,3,4,5)+1x(1,2,3,4), Swing 390/10min 'heavy
20090708: RoP 'Easy': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3), Snatch 16kg 60/5min 'easy'
20090711: RoP 'Variety': all with 24kg: 5x1 TGU alternating 5x5 clean, then Swing 3x10(L/R) + 3x(2HighPull+1Snatch)
20090713: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 166/5min 'medium'
20090714: RoP 'Variety': with 24kg 5x(5(L/R) Clean/FrontSquat)
Was getting a little tired of kettlebells (for now), so back drinking the Kool-Aid (CROSSFIT BABY)
20090715: WOD090715: 'Nancy':5 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 15 x OHS (rx is 95#)
modified to 10 OHS with 40kg: t=14:06
20090717: WOD090716 was 1 x 7 HPC, did a mix of Cleans and Power cleans:
100kg (PC), 100kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 105kg (PC), 107.5kg (PC), 110kg Fail!
20090620 TestDay!!
First test day.
24kg press = 5 L / 5 R
Then, on the 21st, did 5 min snatch test.
Snatch 16kg 101/5min 'all out'
Could have got more but Jett was around and was a little reserved.
24kg press = 5 L / 5 R
Then, on the 21st, did 5 min snatch test.
Snatch 16kg 101/5min 'all out'
Could have got more but Jett was around and was a little reserved.
20090604 RKC RoP 'Medium'
Trained Sarah... Just starting out so introduced to a quick warm up, tension, TGUs and 2 handed swings. Used a 1lb weight for the TGUs, and 8kg 'bell for the swings.
I did 'Medium':
Quick WU,
C&P 16kg x 5 x (1, 2)
Swings 16kg 200/8mins 'Medium'
Trained Sarah... Just starting out so introduced to a quick warm up, tension, TGUs and 2 handed swings. Used a 1lb weight for the TGUs, and 8kg 'bell for the swings.
I did 'Medium':
Quick WU,
C&P 16kg x 5 x (1, 2)
Swings 16kg 200/8mins 'Medium'
20090603 RKC RoP 'Variety'
quick WU
1-arm Push-Up (1 each arm)
TGU 24kg 5 x 1 alternating with Clean 24kg 5 x 5
Then some two sets of 5 swings and 2-3 snatches with the 24kg 'bell
quick WU
1-arm Push-Up (1 each arm)
TGU 24kg 5 x 1 alternating with Clean 24kg 5 x 5
Then some two sets of 5 swings and 2-3 snatches with the 24kg 'bell
20090531 RoP 'Heavy'
'Heavy' day...0500hrs
10min WU
C&P 16kg 5 x (1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 317/8mins 'To limit'
10min WU
C&P 16kg 5 x (1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 317/8mins 'To limit'
20090528 'Variety'
Late posting this...
Thursday, about 1100hrs
10min WU
2 hand anyhow (24kg clean and bent pressed, 16kg curled and pressed), 3 sets x 1/side
5 x 5 loaded cleans (24kg), alternated with 5 x 1 TGU (24kg)
3 x 15 swings/arm (every 2 mins)
Thursday, about 1100hrs
10min WU
2 hand anyhow (24kg clean and bent pressed, 16kg curled and pressed), 3 sets x 1/side
5 x 5 loaded cleans (24kg), alternated with 5 x 1 TGU (24kg)
3 x 15 swings/arm (every 2 mins)
20090526 RKC RoP 'Variety'
Did ~10mins WU
then TGU 24kg 5 x 1, alternating with Clean 24kg 3 x 5 then C&Bent-Press (first 16kg, then 24kg) 2 x 2
Did ~10mins WU
then TGU 24kg 5 x 1, alternating with Clean 24kg 3 x 5 then C&Bent-Press (first 16kg, then 24kg) 2 x 2
20090525 RoP 'Light'
0445hrs (end of 12 hr night)
Did RKC RoP 'Light' following ~10min RKC WU
C&P 16kg x 5 x 1
Sn 16kg x 60 / 7mins Light (High Pulls to start the first 6 of 12 sets of 3 reps)
Did RKC RoP 'Light' following ~10min RKC WU
C&P 16kg x 5 x 1
Sn 16kg x 60 / 7mins Light (High Pulls to start the first 6 of 12 sets of 3 reps)
20090520 RKC RoP 'Variety'
Started with Halos/pumps/FTWS
then TGU 24kg x 5 x 1
Bent Press 24kg x 1 x (1, 2)
Bent Press 16kg x 1 x (1, 2, 3)
Snatch 16kg x 1 x (10, 5, 5)
Started with Halos/pumps/FTWS
then TGU 24kg x 5 x 1
Bent Press 24kg x 1 x (1, 2)
Bent Press 16kg x 1 x (1, 2, 3)
Snatch 16kg x 1 x (10, 5, 5)
20090519 0530hrs RoP 'Heavy'
Decided to start off RKC RoP (Right of Passage), starting with the 'heavy' day:
5min WU of Halos/Pumps/FTWS, then ladders and swings
16kg x 3x(1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 194/5min H
So far so good
5min WU of Halos/Pumps/FTWS, then ladders and swings
16kg x 3x(1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 194/5min H
So far so good
Did the RKC 'Next Step' of TGUs (16kg). It's all coming together nicely. The C&P and snatches are coming together nicely too. Another couple sessions and I think I'll start the RKC 'Right of Passage' (RoP).
Still GTG PUs, getting in 3reps per set now, however, the last set I banged out after training wasn't feeling 'fresh' enough, so I only did 2.
Still GTG PUs, getting in 3reps per set now, however, the last set I banged out after training wasn't feeling 'fresh' enough, so I only did 2.
Still on my RKC Program Minimum, getting in about 15 mins of practice of C&P and Snatches. Starting to feel real good, coming together in fewer reps/rounds.
Did the 12 mins of swings and easy jogs. Did sets of 15L/15R, with the last one at 10L/10R.
Everything with a 16kg 'bell.
Did the 12 mins of swings and easy jogs. Did sets of 15L/15R, with the last one at 10L/10R.
Everything with a 16kg 'bell.
20090512: 'Grace': 30 C&J for time
Been a little while since my last post. Did a couple of 'RKC' style WOs, being the 'Next Step', which is the 'Program Minimum' with some added extras.
Did WOD090508: 'Grace': 30 C&J for time, RX is 60kg, used 50kg. Full ROM on all reps.
t = 6:55
Did WOD090508: 'Grace': 30 C&J for time, RX is 60kg, used 50kg. Full ROM on all reps.
t = 6:55
20090428 0515hrs (Ava's Birthday!!)
Did some KB work, grinds:
bent-press 3/3 x 3 (16kg)
10mins of TGUs with 16kg
then 3-2-1, 24kg then 16kg after of press.
Actually felt 'refreshed'.
On Friday of last week did 5 rds of 10 Burpees, 10 CFKB swing (32kg), 10 Push Ups, 10 Squats. All 5 rds in 13:07 (had to cut it short as Jett was waking up while Sarah was painting the bathroom)
Did some KB work, grinds:
bent-press 3/3 x 3 (16kg)
10mins of TGUs with 16kg
then 3-2-1, 24kg then 16kg after of press.
Actually felt 'refreshed'.
On Friday of last week did 5 rds of 10 Burpees, 10 CFKB swing (32kg), 10 Push Ups, 10 Squats. All 5 rds in 13:07 (had to cut it short as Jett was waking up while Sarah was painting the bathroom)
20090419: Inverted Burpees
20090419 2230hrs
WOD090418: 100 Inverted Burpees (for time)
As rx'd, 20:23
Lino floors not ideal...
WOD090418: 100 Inverted Burpees (for time)
As rx'd, 20:23
Lino floors not ideal...
20090418: "Danny"
20090418 1200hrs
WOD090416: "Danny": AMRAP 20mins of 30 Box Jumps (24 inch), 20 Push Press (50kg), 30 PUs.
Got in 2 full rounds and 30 Box Jumps.
WOD090416: "Danny": AMRAP 20mins of 30 Box Jumps (24 inch), 20 Push Press (50kg), 30 PUs.
Got in 2 full rounds and 30 Box Jumps.
20090416: "Helen"
20090416 1300hrs
WOD090415: "Helen": 3 rds for time of 400m run, 21 CFKB swing (24kg), 12 Pull Ups.
t = 13:55 = 3:49 + 5:12 + 4:54
runs a little closer to 450m with the run to the back-yard (pull up rack)
WOD090415: "Helen": 3 rds for time of 400m run, 21 CFKB swing (24kg), 12 Pull Ups.
t = 13:55 = 3:49 + 5:12 + 4:54
runs a little closer to 450m with the run to the back-yard (pull up rack)
20090414: "DT": DL-HPC-PJ
20090414 0515hrs (end of 12 hr night)
WOD090414: "DT": 12 Deadlift, 9 Hang Power Clean, 6 Push Jerk (Rx is 70kg)
Done as rx'd, t = 24:17 = 3:36 + 5:02 + 5:07 + 5:47 + 4:43
Went a little too hard on the first round...
WOD090414: "DT": 12 Deadlift, 9 Hang Power Clean, 6 Push Jerk (Rx is 70kg)
Done as rx'd, t = 24:17 = 3:36 + 5:02 + 5:07 + 5:47 + 4:43
Went a little too hard on the first round...
20090412: Easter Burpees and Swings
20090412 1000hrs
Did AMRAP 15mins of 5 Burpees and 5 CFKB (overhead) swings (32kg).
13 rds even
Did AMRAP 15mins of 5 Burpees and 5 CFKB (overhead) swings (32kg).
13 rds even
Runs and such
20090410 1400hrs
Did 21-15-9 of Air squats, swings (24kg), slam ball (21# ball). Started each round with a 500m run.
t = 13:40
Then some KB fun!
Did 21-15-9 of Air squats, swings (24kg), slam ball (21# ball). Started each round with a 500m run.
t = 13:40
Then some KB fun!
20090406: 'Nancy': 400m runs and Overhead Squats
20090406 0500hrs
CFWU 10-15 x 2
WOD090403: "Nancy": 5rds of 400m run, 15 OHS (95#, used 40kg which is 92%).
t = 18:28 = 3:53 + 3:50 + 3:41 + 4:06 + 2:55
Then a little Bent-Press practice. 16kg KB 3R/3L x 2
CFWU 10-15 x 2
WOD090403: "Nancy": 5rds of 400m run, 15 OHS (95#, used 40kg which is 92%).
t = 18:28 = 3:53 + 3:50 + 3:41 + 4:06 + 2:55
Then a little Bent-Press practice. 16kg KB 3R/3L x 2
20090327: "Karen"
20090327 2230hrs
WOD090323: "Karen": For time 150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Subbed 150 Thrusters (20kg) for t = 16:10
WOD090323: "Karen": For time 150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Subbed 150 Thrusters (20kg) for t = 16:10
20090325: Dead Lifts with 800m runs
20090325 2230hrs
Warm up inside
WOD090321: 21-15-9 DLs (100kg) with 800m runs following each round
Lift times of 1:01, 1:17, 00:58
runs 4:56, 4:47, 4:42
total time: 17:45
Scaled to 15-12-9 DL with 100kg, 800m runs mostly snow and ice (fell on the last lap) with a dog (cost me about 40 sec stopping when Dawson chased some dog that was clearly doing his 'duty' on the neighbour's lawn).
Warm up inside
WOD090321: 21-15-9 DLs (100kg) with 800m runs following each round
Lift times of 1:01, 1:17, 00:58
runs 4:56, 4:47, 4:42
total time: 17:45
Scaled to 15-12-9 DL with 100kg, 800m runs mostly snow and ice (fell on the last lap) with a dog (cost me about 40 sec stopping when Dawson chased some dog that was clearly doing his 'duty' on the neighbour's lawn).
20090325: FS 3 x 5
20090325 0530hrs
CFWU 15x2, 10 OHS (20kg), 8 FS (20kg), 5 FS (40kg)
WOD090325: FS 3 x 5:
3 x 70kg
3 x 80kg
3 x 85kg
3 x 87.5kg
3 x 90kg
CFWU 15x2, 10 OHS (20kg), 8 FS (20kg), 5 FS (40kg)
WOD090325: FS 3 x 5:
3 x 70kg
3 x 80kg
3 x 85kg
3 x 87.5kg
3 x 90kg
20090321: "Murph"
20090321 0545hrs
WOD090317: "Murph":
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
As rx'd (without vest), 20 rds cindy (5-10-15)
t = 53:05 = 7:18 (1st mile) + 38:08 (20rds Cindy) + 7:39 (2nd mile)
Push ups were the hardest, along with that 2nd run.
WOD090317: "Murph":
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
As rx'd (without vest), 20 rds cindy (5-10-15)
t = 53:05 = 7:18 (1st mile) + 38:08 (20rds Cindy) + 7:39 (2nd mile)
Push ups were the hardest, along with that 2nd run.
20090318: "J.T."
20090318 0715hrs
WOD090315: "J.T." :21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups.
Did 21-15-9 of HSPU Negatives, Dips into chairs (1:1), Standard Push-ups.
t = 20:19 = 8:17(21s) + 7:48(15s) + 4:13(9s)
WOD090315: "J.T." :21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups.
Did 21-15-9 of HSPU Negatives, Dips into chairs (1:1), Standard Push-ups.
t = 20:19 = 8:17(21s) + 7:48(15s) + 4:13(9s)
20090317: Hang Squat Cleans and Rope Climbs
20090317 0515hrs
WOD090314: Five rounds for time of: 9 reps Hang squat clean (70kg), 3 ascents of 15 ft Rope climb.
Did 5 rds of 9 HSC (60kg), 30 PU (door-way/2x4)
28:24 = 4:12 + 6:43 + 6:00 + 6:09 + 5:18
Grip smoked!
WOD090314: Five rounds for time of: 9 reps Hang squat clean (70kg), 3 ascents of 15 ft Rope climb.
Did 5 rds of 9 HSC (60kg), 30 PU (door-way/2x4)
28:24 = 4:12 + 6:43 + 6:00 + 6:09 + 5:18
Grip smoked!
20090310: HB-Ext and 400s
20090310 0515hrs
WOD090227: For time:
21 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
18 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
15 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
3 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
Did 16kg KB Good Mornings. Double checked my 400s and turns out they're only ~360m.
WOD090227: For time:
21 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
18 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
15 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
3 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
Did 16kg KB Good Mornings. Double checked my 400s and turns out they're only ~360m.
20090309: 600ft of Lunges with PUs and Sit Ups
20090309 0515hrs
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups
As Rx'd in 18:36
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups
As Rx'd in 18:36
20090304 0515hrs
WOD090219: For time: 50 Ring Dips, Run 400 meters, 50 Push-ups, Run 400 meters, 50 Handstand push-ups, Run 400 meters
Did regular dips and only 20 HSPU negatives.
t = 20:16
WOD090219: For time: 50 Ring Dips, Run 400 meters, 50 Push-ups, Run 400 meters, 50 Handstand push-ups, Run 400 meters
Did regular dips and only 20 HSPU negatives.
t = 20:16
20090303: Death by PUs and Cleans (1x7)
20090303 0515hrs BW = 95kg
WOD090218: Death by Pull Ups: 10rds completed on a 2x4
WOD090217: Squat Cleans 1 x 7:
1 x 80kg, 1 x 85kg, 1 x 90kg, 1 x 95kg, 1 x 97.5kg, 1 x 100kg, 1 x 102.5kg (just barely)
WOD090218: Death by Pull Ups: 10rds completed on a 2x4
WOD090217: Squat Cleans 1 x 7:
1 x 80kg, 1 x 85kg, 1 x 90kg, 1 x 95kg, 1 x 97.5kg, 1 x 100kg, 1 x 102.5kg (just barely)
20090227 1900hrs
WOD090215: 3 rds of row 500m, 21 Burpees, run 400m
Did 3 rds of 1 km row and 21 Burpees in t = 17:45
WOD090215: 3 rds of row 500m, 21 Burpees, run 400m
Did 3 rds of 1 km row and 21 Burpees in t = 17:45
20090226: SDLHP/Ring-Dips
20090226 1400hrs
WOD090214: Seven rounds of 10 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (95#), 10 Ring dips
Did 7rds, 10 each of SDLHP (40kg) and 10 dips into a narrow chair
Had to be very quiet with the SDLHPs and the baby sleeping
WOD090214: Seven rounds of 10 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (95#), 10 Ring dips
Did 7rds, 10 each of SDLHP (40kg) and 10 dips into a narrow chair
Had to be very quiet with the SDLHPs and the baby sleeping
20090224: Fran
20090224 0515hrs (near end of 12hr shift)
WOD090213: Fran: Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: Thrusters (95#), Pull-ups
Used 40kg for thrusters, otherwise as Rx'd.
WOD090213: Fran: Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: Thrusters (95#), Pull-ups
Used 40kg for thrusters, otherwise as Rx'd.
Took it easy for a few days.
My knee thanks me. Had a spill on the ice about a month ago, and knee pain started a day or two later. Thankfully, the pain was a no-show. I took it easy a did CFWU 15 x 3 to see what my knee was at before jumping back into full on WODs. So far so good.
My knee thanks me. Had a spill on the ice about a month ago, and knee pain started a day or two later. Thankfully, the pain was a no-show. I took it easy a did CFWU 15 x 3 to see what my knee was at before jumping back into full on WODs. So far so good.
20090213: KBs
20090213 2130hrs
KB work
sets of 2H Russian swings of 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 alternating with long cycle clean and press 5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2 and 1/1. All set done with 24kg 'bell. Was going for 10mins total, finished in 9:50.
KB work
sets of 2H Russian swings of 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 alternating with long cycle clean and press 5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2 and 1/1. All set done with 24kg 'bell. Was going for 10mins total, finished in 9:50.
20090208: Press - Push - Jerk
20090208 0530hrs
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
SP: 70kg x 1, 72.5kg x F, 70kg x 1, 67.5kg x 1, 67.5kg x 1
PP: 65kg x 3, 67.5kg x 3, 70kg x 3, 72.5kg x 3, 75kg x 3
PJ: 65kg x 5, 67.5kg x 5, 70kg x 5, 72.5kg x 4+1F, 70kg x 5
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
SP: 70kg x 1, 72.5kg x F, 70kg x 1, 67.5kg x 1, 67.5kg x 1
PP: 65kg x 3, 67.5kg x 3, 70kg x 3, 72.5kg x 3, 75kg x 3
PJ: 65kg x 5, 67.5kg x 5, 70kg x 5, 72.5kg x 4+1F, 70kg x 5
20090207 0530hrs (near end of 12hr night)
WOD090205: Five rounds for time of: 25 Kettlebell swings (32kg), 25 GHD Sit-ups, 25 Back Extensions, 25 Knees to Elbows
Did 4 rds of 25 Kettlebell swings (24kg), 25 anchored sit-ups, 25 supermen, 25 Knees to Elbows.
t = 28:37 = 6:51 + 6:57 + 7:20 + 7:28
Those KtoEs ripped up my hands (as usual)
WOD090205: Five rounds for time of: 25 Kettlebell swings (32kg), 25 GHD Sit-ups, 25 Back Extensions, 25 Knees to Elbows
Did 4 rds of 25 Kettlebell swings (24kg), 25 anchored sit-ups, 25 supermen, 25 Knees to Elbows.
t = 28:37 = 6:51 + 6:57 + 7:20 + 7:28
Those KtoEs ripped up my hands (as usual)
20090205: "Kelly"
20090205 0600hrs (end of 12hr night)
WOD090201: "Kelly": Five rounds for time of 400m run, 30 Box jump (24"), 30 Wall ball shots (20#).
Did 3rds(short on time) of 15 Burpees, 30 BJ (20"), 30 thrusters (20kg)
t = 16:53
WOD090201: "Kelly": Five rounds for time of 400m run, 30 Box jump (24"), 30 Wall ball shots (20#).
Did 3rds(short on time) of 15 Burpees, 30 BJ (20"), 30 thrusters (20kg)
t = 16:53
20090131: "Elizabeth"
20090131 0530hrs
WOD090129: "Elizabeth": 21-15-9 reps of Clean (60kg), Ring dips
Did full cleans with 50kg, regular (chair) dips 1:1
t = 14:42 = 7:04 + 5:17 + 2:21
WOD090129: "Elizabeth": 21-15-9 reps of Clean (60kg), Ring dips
Did full cleans with 50kg, regular (chair) dips 1:1
t = 14:42 = 7:04 + 5:17 + 2:21
20090130: Thrusters 1 x 7
20090130 0530hrs
WOD090128: Thrusters 1 x 7
87.5kg slight jerk
87.5kg PR
Hook grip helped keep the bar in the right spot, following the clean (then FS + PP) in my hand on the 2nd go at 87.5kg.
WOD090128: Thrusters 1 x 7
87.5kg slight jerk
87.5kg PR
Hook grip helped keep the bar in the right spot, following the clean (then FS + PP) in my hand on the 2nd go at 87.5kg.
20090128: "Barbara"
20090128 0500hrs
WOD090125: "Barbara": 5 rds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups (unanchored), 50 Squats. 3 min rest between rds.
First time with this WOD. Only did 4 rounds, but otherwise as rx'd.
t = 8:34, 9:14, 10:18, 9:37
That's a tough WOD. Next time 5 rds.
WOD090125: "Barbara": 5 rds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups (unanchored), 50 Squats. 3 min rest between rds.
First time with this WOD. Only did 4 rounds, but otherwise as rx'd.
t = 8:34, 9:14, 10:18, 9:37
That's a tough WOD. Next time 5 rds.
20090124: Lunges, Burpees
20090124 0400hrs
WOD090122: Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees
as rx'd (with crappy claps and all) in 15:22...
Plesantly surprised by a sub 20 time.
BB was 20kg.
BW = 95kg
WOD090122: Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees
as rx'd (with crappy claps and all) in 15:22...
Plesantly surprised by a sub 20 time.
BB was 20kg.
BW = 95kg
20090122: "Mr. Joshua"
20090122 0500hrs
WOD090120: "Mr. Joshua": Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
sub'd anchored Sit Ups and 100kg DLs (88% of rx)
t = 28:57 = 5:03 + 5:46 + 6:10 + 6:20 + 5:35
back is smoked
WOD090120: "Mr. Joshua": Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
sub'd anchored Sit Ups and 100kg DLs (88% of rx)
t = 28:57 = 5:03 + 5:46 + 6:10 + 6:20 + 5:35
back is smoked
20090120: Run
20090120 0340hrs
WOD090117: 10km run. Only got through 2 and some miles in 18 some mins. In FiveFingers on a treadmill. Wasn't expecting to have to cut it short.
WOD090117: 10km run. Only got through 2 and some miles in 18 some mins. In FiveFingers on a treadmill. Wasn't expecting to have to cut it short.
20090118 0300hrs
WOD090116:For time:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Hip & Back Extensions
30 Thrusters (40kg)
50 Pull-ups
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip & Back Extensions
20 Thrusters (40kg)
35 Pull-ups
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 Hip & Back Extensions
10 Thrusters (40kg)
20 Pull-ups
Sub'd anchored Sit-Ups, 10kg good mornings, 40kg thrusters, otherwise as RX
t = 35:27 = 13:27 + 13:04 + 8:56
Wow that was tough
95kg post WOD
WOD090116:For time:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Hip & Back Extensions
30 Thrusters (40kg)
50 Pull-ups
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip & Back Extensions
20 Thrusters (40kg)
35 Pull-ups
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 Hip & Back Extensions
10 Thrusters (40kg)
20 Pull-ups
Sub'd anchored Sit-Ups, 10kg good mornings, 40kg thrusters, otherwise as RX
t = 35:27 = 13:27 + 13:04 + 8:56
Wow that was tough
95kg post WOD
20090116: 3 x 5 OHS
20090116 0400hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090114: 3 x 5 sets OHS
3 x 40kg, 3 x 50kg, 3 x 55kg, 3 x 57.5kg, 3 x 60kg
WOD090114: 3 x 5 sets OHS
3 x 40kg, 3 x 50kg, 3 x 55kg, 3 x 57.5kg, 3 x 60kg
20090115: Power Cleans / Dips
20090115 0300
WOD090113: For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Did first 10 PC with 65kg, then 60kg from there on. Regular dips. t = 17:42
WOD090113: For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Did first 10 PC with 65kg, then 60kg from there on. Regular dips. t = 17:42
20090114: Shoveling / Pull Ups
20090114 0430hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090112: For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of: Virtual shoveling, Pull-ups
As rx'd with 20kg bar, 20kg plate to 24"
t = 30:25 = 8:35 + 7:19 + 6:01 + 4:29 + 2:43 + 1:16
WOD090112: For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of: Virtual shoveling, Pull-ups
As rx'd with 20kg bar, 20kg plate to 24"
t = 30:25 = 8:35 + 7:19 + 6:01 + 4:29 + 2:43 + 1:16
WOD090110: 5 km Row
20090110 2145hrs
WOD090110: Run 5 km
Sub 5 km row
t = 21:24.7
Did the 3 x 5 DL yesterday morning, still some lower back DOMS. Will resume back a cycle or two for planning purposes.
WOD090110: Run 5 km
Sub 5 km row
t = 21:24.7
Did the 3 x 5 DL yesterday morning, still some lower back DOMS. Will resume back a cycle or two for planning purposes.
20090110: 5 km Row
20090110 2145hrs
WOD090110: Run 5 km
Sub 5 km row
t = 21:24.7
Did the 3 x 5 DL yesterday morning, still some lower back DOMS. Will resume back a cycle or two for planning purposes.
WOD090110: Run 5 km
Sub 5 km row
t = 21:24.7
Did the 3 x 5 DL yesterday morning, still some lower back DOMS. Will resume back a cycle or two for planning purposes.
20090109: 3 x 5 DL
20090109 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
20090109: 3 x 5 DL
20090109 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
20090109: 3 x 5 DL
20090109 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
WOD090104: 3 x 5 DL
3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg
I seemed to get the right weight right away, noting slight rounding at the end of rep 3, didn't dare go higher. Don't want my ego giving me a slipped disc or something. First two sets hands alternating, last 3 sets double overhand.
The ".8" is from using one pair of 45lb plates with metric bumpers.
20090107: "Death by C&J"
20090107 0500hrs (near end of 12hr night)
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
20090107: "Death by C&J"
20090107 0500hrs (near end of 12hr night)
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
20090107: "Death by C&J"
20090107 0500hrs (near end of 12hr night)
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
WOD090102: "Death by C&J"
Do 1 C&J 1st min, n C&Js in nth min, continue to failure.
Got 6 rounds + 3 reps with 50kg
20090106: "Murph"
20090106 0520hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
20090106: "Murph"
20090106 0520hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
20090106: "Murph"
20090106 0520hrs (near end of 12 hr night)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
WOD090101: "Murph": 1 mile Run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Push-ups, 300 Squats, 1 mile Run, all for time. Partition PUs, push-ups and squats PRN.
Did as rx'd (without vest), cindy (20 x 5-10-15) partition.
t = 48:37 = 6:05 (run) + 35:58 + 6:34 (run)
20090105: "Fight Gone Bad"
20090105 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night shift)
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
20090105: "Fight Gone Bad"
20090105 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night shift)
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
20090105: "Fight Gone Bad"
20090105 0500hrs (near end of 12 hr night shift)
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
WOD081231: "Fight Gone Bad": 3 rds, 1 min/mov't, 1 min rest before repeating round
Wall-ball (10kg to 10') - 23, 23, 20
Sumo deadlift high-pull (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 20, 20, 20
Box Jump (20" box) - 16, 15, 15
Push-press (30kg or 88% of Rx) - 16, 13, 15
Burpees - 11, 10, 10
Total = 247 (first FGB)
BWT = 94kg
20090103: "Michael"
20090103 0520hrs
WOD081228: "Michael": 3 rds for time of 800m run, 50 Back Extentions and 50 Sit-Ups
Did 3 rds of runs of 1.08km (according to MapMyRun.com), 50 'naked' good mornings and 50 Sit-Ups.
t = 24:08 = 8:10 + 8:19 + 7:39
WOD081228: "Michael": 3 rds for time of 800m run, 50 Back Extentions and 50 Sit-Ups
Did 3 rds of runs of 1.08km (according to MapMyRun.com), 50 'naked' good mornings and 50 Sit-Ups.
t = 24:08 = 8:10 + 8:19 + 7:39
20090103: "Michael"
20090103 0520hrs
WOD081228: "Michael": 3 rds for time of 800m run, 50 Back Extentions and 50 Sit-Ups
Did 3 rds of runs of 1.08km (according to MapMyRun.com), 50 'naked' good mornings and 50 Sit-Ups.
t = 24:08 = 8:10 + 8:19 + 7:39
WOD081228: "Michael": 3 rds for time of 800m run, 50 Back Extentions and 50 Sit-Ups
Did 3 rds of runs of 1.08km (according to MapMyRun.com), 50 'naked' good mornings and 50 Sit-Ups.
t = 24:08 = 8:10 + 8:19 + 7:39
20090102: Thruster - HPC - SDLHP
20090102 0500hrs
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
20090102: Thruster - HPC - SDLHP
20090102 0500hrs
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
20090102: Thruster - HPC - SDLHP
20090102 0500hrs
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
WOD081227: AMRAP 20mins of 5 Thruster, 7 Hang Power Clean (HPC), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Rx is 95lbs, used 40kg (88lbs or 93%)
7 rds even = 1:50 + 2:50 + 2:42 + 3:28 + 3:06 + 3:22 + 2:39
BWT = 94.5kg
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