5km Row

20091229 1730hrs
WOD091227: 5km Row
As rx'd in 21:32


400m runs and heavy thrusters

20091228 1730hrs
WOD091219: 5rds for time of 15 Thrusters (60kg) and 400m runs
Started the rounds with the runs (most WODs are run first), otherwise as rx'd with runs in -12C snow/ice
28:47 = 4:23 + 6:19 + 6:34 + 5:52 + 5:37
That's some WOD! Did thrusters 5reps x 3, except the last round at 5-4-3-3



20091225 1600hrs
WOD091213: AMRAP 20mins of Row 500m, 25 TGU (60# DB)
Used 24kg KB (55 lbs), otherwise as rx'd
1 rd, 500m + 5 TGU


20091222 0300hrs
Did 15 rds of 5 Burpees, 10 situps and 15 air squats in 22 mins and change (hit 'reset' instead of 'save' on my watch)


Birthday Lumberjack 20

It's my birthday!
20091217 1700hrs
WOD091205: "Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts (125kg), Run 400m
20 KB swings (32kg), Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (52.5kg), Run 400m
20 Burpees, Run 400m
20 Push Ups, Run 400m
20 Box jumps (20"), Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (2 x 40lbs), Run 400m

Lost some time while changing weight (removing pairs of 20, 10, 5 and 2.5kg plates, then removing the 15kg bumpers to make a 'box'.
Note some subs: Push Ups for PUs, 40#ers for 45#ers, and only 20" of bumper plates


Split Jerks

20091215 0300hrs
WOD091207: Split Jerks 1 x 7
100kg press out
97.5kg press out
97.5kg PR


20091214 0300hrs
WOD091204: Row 1000 meters, then three rounds, 21, 15, and 9 reps of GHD Situps and Back Extensions
Did 100 SDLHP (20kg), then 21-15-9 of unanchored sit-ups and supermen


3 rds of 800m runs and 21 Power Cleans

20091213 0200hrs
WOD091203: 3 rds for time of 800m runs and 21 Power Cleans (70kg)
As rx'd in 22:19
The treadmill I was using is garbage. Starts out at 6.5 when I wanted 8.0, then whized up to 10 when I was already sucking wind. I timed about 3:30 for the runs as the 'distance' feature on the 20year old treadmill sucked too. NEVER AGAIN!


FS 3x5

20091212 0600hrs
WOD091130: FS 3 x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
95kg x 3