20090531 RoP 'Heavy'

'Heavy' day...0500hrs
10min WU
C&P 16kg 5 x (1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 317/8mins 'To limit'

20090528 'Variety'

Late posting this...
Thursday, about 1100hrs
10min WU
2 hand anyhow (24kg clean and bent pressed, 16kg curled and pressed), 3 sets x 1/side
5 x 5 loaded cleans (24kg), alternated with 5 x 1 TGU (24kg)
3 x 15 swings/arm (every 2 mins)


20090527 RKC RoP 'Medium'

10min WU
C&P 16kg 5 x (1, 2)
Swings 16kg 102/5mins 'medium'


20090526 RKC RoP 'Variety'

Did ~10mins WU
then TGU 24kg 5 x 1, alternating with Clean 24kg 3 x 5 then C&Bent-Press (first 16kg, then 24kg) 2 x 2


20090525 RoP 'Light'

0445hrs (end of 12 hr night)
Did RKC RoP 'Light' following ~10min RKC WU
C&P 16kg x 5 x 1
Sn 16kg x 60 / 7mins Light (High Pulls to start the first 6 of 12 sets of 3 reps)


20090520 RKC RoP 'Variety'

Started with Halos/pumps/FTWS
then TGU 24kg x 5 x 1
Bent Press 24kg x 1 x (1, 2)
Bent Press 16kg x 1 x (1, 2, 3)
Snatch 16kg x 1 x (10, 5, 5)


20090519 0530hrs RoP 'Heavy'

Decided to start off RKC RoP (Right of Passage), starting with the 'heavy' day:
5min WU of Halos/Pumps/FTWS, then ladders and swings
16kg x 3x(1, 2, 3)
Swing 16kg x 194/5min H
So far so good



Did the RKC 'Next Step' of TGUs (16kg). It's all coming together nicely. The C&P and snatches are coming together nicely too. Another couple sessions and I think I'll start the RKC 'Right of Passage' (RoP).
Still GTG PUs, getting in 3reps per set now, however, the last set I banged out after training wasn't feeling 'fresh' enough, so I only did 2.



Still on my RKC Program Minimum, getting in about 15 mins of practice of C&P and Snatches. Starting to feel real good, coming together in fewer reps/rounds.
Did the 12 mins of swings and easy jogs. Did sets of 15L/15R, with the last one at 10L/10R.
Everything with a 16kg 'bell.


20090512: 'Grace': 30 C&J for time

Been a little while since my last post. Did a couple of 'RKC' style WOs, being the 'Next Step', which is the 'Program Minimum' with some added extras.
Did WOD090508: 'Grace': 30 C&J for time, RX is 60kg, used 50kg. Full ROM on all reps.
t = 6:55


20090502 0500hrs
Did RKC 'Program Minimum': 10mins of Pumps, Halos and Face-the-Wall Squats
Then 12mins Swings & easy runs (16kg 'bell, sets of 10 L/R and 2Hs)