20080531 1700
1 km row, CFWU 15 x 3 (15 x 3 OHS, 0 PU, 15 x 3 Chair Dips, 15 x 3 SU, 15 x 3 Supermen)
WOD080520: for time Row 1000m, 25 Burpees, row 750m, 50 Burpees, row 500m, 75 Burpees; as rx'd in 27:40...those Burpees killed me



20080528 1700
1 km row in 4:18, CFWU 15 x 3 (0 PU, 15 x 3 Push Ups, 10 x 3 Ring Dips)
WOD080524: 3 rds for time of 800m run, 50 PU; as rx'd in 35:12 = 11:57 + 11:49 + 11:26



20080524 1730
CFWU 15 x 3 (10 x 3 Ring Dips)
WOD080523: 5 rds for time of 25 CFKB Swing (32kg), 25 GHDSU, 25 BE, 25 Knee-to-Elbows; as rx'd in 38:43 = 6:59 + 8:23 + 8:19 + 7:49 + 7:12



20080522 1730
CFWU 15 x 3 (10 x 3 ring dips)
WOD080522: 5 rds of 3 x DL, max HSPU; DL of 3 x 160.8kg, 3 x 150.8kg, 3 x 153.3kg, 3 x 155.8kg, 3 x 158.3kg; HSPUs feet on bar, 11, 10, 10, 10, 12; Getting sick, taking it easy



20080520 2200
CFWU 15 x 3 (15 x 2 PU, 5 x 3 Ring Dips)
WOD080519: 75 PushUps, 50 x 42.5kg SDLHP, 50 Ring Dips, 30 x 20kg PU, 25 HSPU for t; as rx'd (feet on bar HSPU) in 35:03



20080518 1720
1 km row, CFWU 15 x 2 (10 x 3 ring dips)
WOD080518: AMRAP in 20mins of 15 C&J (42.5kg) and 400m runs: as rx'd (did power cleans), 4 complete rounds + 15 C&J, completed rd 5 in 22:19...and man was it raining!! I hope my bar doesn't rust!



20080516 1730
1km row in 4:34, CFWU 15 x 3 (10 x 3 ring dips)
WOD080516: Michael: (3rds for t) Run .8km, 50 Back Extensions, 50 SUs; mod BEs to 16kg KB good-mornings, otherwise as rx'd in 26:23 = 8:25 + 9:40 + 8:17