20100227 1600hrs
WOD100215:For time:
15 Squat clean (70kg)
30 Toes to bar
30 Box jump (rx is 24" box, used a chair at 21-22")
15 Muscle-ups (sub'd 3 PUs and 2 ring dips per MU)
30 dumbbell Push press / push jerk (sub'd 35kg barbell)
30 Double-unders (sub'd tuck jumps)
15 Thruster (20kg)
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
300 feet Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead

DNF. Finished burpees at 31:50.
Did with a holter monitor on...I wonder what they'll say :O
I sweat the leads off and had to have the wife tape them on with duct tape.

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