20090726: 'DT'

20090726 0900hrs
WOD090723: 'DT': 5rds for time of 12 DL, 9 HPC and 6 PJ (70kg)
As rx'd in 26:34 = 3:41 + 6:51 + 5:56 + 3:48 + 6:16
I think I could have paced a little better.


20090724: 5km Run

20090724 1200hrs
WOD090720: 5km Run
t = 26:something (15 I think)
Pressed and held reset instead of save on my watch.


20090721: 'Filthy Fifty'

20090722 0430hrs
WOD090719: 'Filthy Fifty':
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Sub'd supermen for back extensions and tuck-jumps for double unders. Used 16kg 'bell for push-press and a 20" chair for the BJs.


Update 20090625-20090719

Playing catch up on quite a bit here:
20090625: RoP 'Light': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2), Snatch 16kg 116/9min 'easy'
20090627: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 120/4min 'medium'
20090705: RoP 'Heavy': C&P 16kg 4x(1,2,3,4,5)+1x(1,2,3,4), Swing 390/10min 'heavy
20090708: RoP 'Easy': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3), Snatch 16kg 60/5min 'easy'
20090711: RoP 'Variety': all with 24kg: 5x1 TGU alternating 5x5 clean, then Swing 3x10(L/R) + 3x(2HighPull+1Snatch)
20090713: RoP 'Medium': C&P 16kg 5x(1,2,3,4), Swing 16kg 166/5min 'medium'
20090714: RoP 'Variety': with 24kg 5x(5(L/R) Clean/FrontSquat)

Was getting a little tired of kettlebells (for now), so back drinking the Kool-Aid (CROSSFIT BABY)
20090715: WOD090715: 'Nancy':5 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 15 x OHS (rx is 95#)
modified to 10 OHS with 40kg: t=14:06

20090717: WOD090716 was 1 x 7 HPC, did a mix of Cleans and Power cleans:
100kg (PC), 100kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 102.5kg (Clean), 105kg (PC), 107.5kg (PC), 110kg Fail!